Light therapy, also known as phototherapy, requires multiple sessions. Some patients can clear psoriasis completely with light therapy alone. Others require combination treatments with medication. Light therapy can be used safely with biologics and topicals for optimal clearance. Using phototherapy for psoriasis, we have improved the quality of life for thousands of people.

Light therapy, also known as phototherapy, requires multiple sessions. Some patients can clear psoriasis completely with light therapy alone. Others require combination treatments with medication. Light therapy can be used safely with biologics and topicals for optimal clearance. Using phototherapy for psoriasis, we have improved the quality of life for thousands of people.

The Way Light Therapy Should Be.®
Shining a Healthy Light on Psoriasis
Unlike prescription drugs, narrowband UVB light therapy treats psoriasis directly on the skin without affecting the body’s immune system. Exposing psoriasis to therapeutic light rays, either via laser or specialized lamps, accelerates the emergence of underlying healthy skin.
Narrowband UVB light therapy for psoriasis is among the best treatment options for psoriasis on many commonly affected body areas, including arms, legs, hands, feet and scalp. All treatments are administered in a clinical setting by trained nurses to ensure safety and dosing accuracy.
Array Skin Therapy is a team of psoriasis specialists founded in Los Angeles and Orange County. Each provider has in-depth knowledge of the several treatment options available, including light therapy for psoriasis. Call today for a consultation at one of our convenient locations.
Psoriasis Patient Stories
“Psoriasis turned my life upside down. It covered my body, head to toe. I was embarrassed to leave my house, yet had no choice since I worked full-time and had three children. I was so self-conscience about my skin. I was miserable, yet could not afford expensive creams long-term. My doctor told me about the sun’s healing rays, phototherapy made all the difference! It has been the best treatment for me. I am clear! If I flare, I’m able to return to Array immediately for treatment. Array Skin Therapy has given me my self-confidence back and I no longer fear my psoriasis.”
“I just got back from vacation where I was able to wear cute sandals AND get a pedicure before my trip! My feet were so cracked and painful before that I could only wear padded sneakers and I was too embarrassed to let them see my feet at the nail salon.”
“I’ve had psoriasis since I was 20, now I’m 35. I just itch and itch all night, it’s awful, but guess what I did the other night? I had a DREAM. You don’t understand. I have itched relentlessly for the past 15 years nightly, so much so, that I haven’t been able to sleep deep enough to even dream. You guys have made it possible for me to DREAM again! Thank you!!”
“No matter what I’ve tried in the past several years; creams, pills, or whatever, my legs would never be clear. You’ll never believe what I did the other day…I wore shorts! I felt confident for the first time in years, that people would not be starting at my legs and wondering what was wrong with me. I cannot tell you what it means to me. Thank you Array Skin Therapy!! Wish I had found you sooner.”
“My hands are my income! I work as a seamstress for a major theater company, I sew costumes for beautiful productions like Phantom of the Opera, and I absolutely love my job, but my painful psoriasis on my hands made working so difficult. Delicate fabrics would snag and catch on my red chapped hands. Nothing was helping- no creams or injections made a difference. I am so thankful for the laser light therapy! It made me love my job again!”
What Patients Are Saying
“The professional, friendly staff has been great to work with. They are so accommodating to my schedule, and very flexible in fitting my treatment. I am so pleased with the results.”
“Array’s cutting edge phototherapy treatment has provided relief that years of expensive creams and medications could not. I am so glad I made the call.”
“My dermatologist referred me to Array when my psoriasis stop responding to other treatments. I was desperate. By the third treatment I saw amazing improvement!”